

Align Action

Welcome to the energy of:  Time is NOW.

Have you been waiting?

If not now, when?

I am delighted to be your guide in this experience of massive action and flow!

We will work with your soul's highest, purest desires. 

Together we will reconnect with your dreams, with your fire with your self.

You hold the key.

It has always been you darling

We will focus on 





14 days of non-stop uplifting and being IN THE ENERGY of Time is NOW

14 sessions to anchor you and your soul's desires and vision.

14 days to permanently shift you into the highest version available for you now.

In the energy I lead and create with God. 

In the energy of power, fire and flow. 


“Time is now.”

She has embody her brilliance.

She trusts her intuition and moves.

Her resting state is a state of overflow.

She loves life and life loves her back.

She’s Dawn.

It’s a reset

It’s a rebirth.

Time is now.

She revisits her dreams and lock it in the vision.

She thanks the past and all the places she has been.

She chooses love,

She chooses trust,

She chooses faith,

She chooses her.

She embodies abundant life.

The wait is over.

She says:

It is my time! I got this!

I am one with God.

I am supported by everything and everyone.

It has always been my time, now I get to live it.

In community, In guidance,

Shedding what is not me.

Walking in clarity and fun!

Time is now.

Join our pivate FB group

Time is now

Vibrant community

Daily homework.

4th of July pre-sale $111

(going up to $222)

I will see you inside.

With so much love and believe in you,



  • We kick off the 14 days on july 8.
  • All is happening inside of the private FB group.  
  • You will have full access to the recordings for a year.  
  • After you purchase you will be sent an email with the link to join the FB group.

Are you willing to live your time here fully? 

Join us and allow yourself to be held, supported and activated to your highest power.

Kenya Evelyn can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Mandy Perry Inc products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.